
My double love

1/5o s F/2.8 ISO 800 EF-S 17-55 at 52mm, handheld

This was a tough commission. I'm comfortable with finding pictures, not setting them up. I was thinking about it for a few months. With the "deadline" approaching - it's three weeks to go - there was no more time to hesitate.
The girls sit on the window sill, still can't imagine how she managed that :) The only light is from an overcast sky scattered through a simple white curtain.

1/6o s F/2.8 ISO 800 EF-S 17-55 at 37mm, handheld


Sisters and brothers

1/125s F2.8 ISO640, EF-S 17-55 @35, 2009-01-02



Before this blog gets flooded with images of the one we're expecting to surface any day now :), a brief look back:
2004. Jan and Lech

2005. Eyes wide open


Black Table Tops

Photographed with EOS 50, Fuji colour negative scanned on Fuji Frontier. Tripod mounted

Since I won't be able to go out with a camera for some time I'll stick to the archives if you don't mind. This analog photograph was taken in Feb 2003 in Table Mountains. Just looking at it makes me shiver...


More fog...

1/100 s F/6.3 ISO 100 EF 28-105 at 28mm, handheld
photographed with Canon EOS 300D

Another trip to Mount Ślęża, in March 2006. This time we did march to the top and back down. And the forest was very misty-rious...


Meditations on a Moment - John O'Connor Photoblog: Oak Saplings in Fog, Sierra Nevada Foothills, California and other FOG related images

Meditations on a Moment - John O'Connor Photoblog: Oak Saplings in Fog, Sierra Nevada Foothills, California
This excellent image by John O'Connor has made me search my photo archives for fog images. Time does its job and makes us idealize our memories, so an inspection of those photographs I had in mind proved a bit disappointing. Anyway, here's a selection

1/6o s F/6,3 ISO 200 EF 28-105 at 34mm, handheld

This picture was taken during our family trip to Mount Ślęża. Jasiu was 5 and Lesiu 3 years old, it was a chilly and windy day, the summit was out of question. Was it? The guy whom we saw driving past in Nissan Terrano was now climbing back the winding road to the summit. He told us that he saw us when he was driving his grandson back home and now offered to drive us to the top - he was the owner of the small hotel at the top. ' you'll need strength to get down'. So, suddenly we found ourselves at the top, among clouds. Jasiu was very excited abut the prospect of touching a cloud and was a bit disappointed with their immateriality. We climbed the viewing platform but were driven away by a short hailstorm. Just had enough time to shoot the above picture. We chose the blue trail for our descent - rocky and winding - and we were awarded with magical moments of late day sun illuminating mist among trees.

2 s F/14 ISO 100 EF 28-105 at 105mm, tripod mounted

From time to time I like to sneak out of home before dawn loaded with photo gear. This one is from such a trip, a short one - to the center of the city, in early January. This was a very cold dawn, about -15*C, but I endured it :)